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Oct 29, 2019

Many of the effects that hormones have on the body are internal. But there’s definitely one way that fluctuating hormones are visible to us: acne. 


If you’re someone who’s had a few periods already, you probably know when you’re most likely to break out. Or, alternatively, when your hormones are most likely to help your skin look it’s healthiest. But when it comes to skin appearance, there are quite a few factors to keep in mind about what’s under our control—and what’s under the influence of our hormones.


Today we’re joined by Dr. Tiffany Clay from Dermatology Affiliates in Atlanta, Georgia. You can follow her on Instagram @dermdrclay. 


For more information on today’s episode visit And to find out how to support the work here at Clue, go to Clue.Plus. 


Want to know the answer to the question at the beginning of the show? Check out  Hair changes during pregnancy on 


Episode Links: Skin and the cycle: how hormones affect your skin The chemicals in your skincare products